Two major packaging magazines just featured SFI. Food and Beverage Packaging ran a story on our new labels, which were launched earlier this year. You can read the article here. We designed the new labels based on research and government interest in the U.S. and Canada showing a strong desire for detailed information to back up “green” claims. The research found that labels are particularly important to consumers. According to market testing conducted by Artemis Strategy Group in the U.S. and Canada, nearly 70% of consumers would choose a product that is made using responsible sources of wood fiber if there is an identifying label or claim. Looking for the SFI label is something to keep in mind as you do your holiday shopping (See video below.)
The other media hit was in Packaging Digest, which ran a piece, headlined “Certified sustainably forested fibers boost image of recycled paperboard – By providing evidence of compliance to reporting standards, sustainable forestry organizations can help packagers authenticate their ‘green’ packaging claims” The writer notes that “by using FSC- or SFI-certified products or becoming a certified supplier, a packaging operation can ensure a measure of protection against claims of greenwashing.” Quoted in the story is MWV’s Cliff Schneider saying, “Essentially, every packaging solution that uses MWV paperboard from one of our U.S. mills uses SFI-certified material…for customers concerned with the impact of paperboard packaging on the world for us, choosing a partner with the certified chain of custody program provides added confidence that the packages that carry their brand comes from well-managed, legal sources.”
SFI Label


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