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Managing Change, For the Better

I suspect that most of us remember places that have changed in our lifetimes. Change is inevitable. And while it may be foolish to resist change, it is certainly wise to shape it.

novembre 13th, 2014|

About Old Friends…

We’ve all had the experience of running into an old friend unexpectedly, and spending a moment of warm reminiscence, perhaps on a street corner or coffee shop.

octobre 27th, 2014|

Up the Creek with a Paddle

Years ago, I was executive director of a non-profit organization. Early in that period we were struggling financially, as many non-profits do from time to time.

octobre 9th, 2014|

“It Changed My Life”

I just heard that phrase again for the umpteenth time from someone in the natural resource profession

octobre 8th, 2014|
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