Sustainable Forestry Initiative Video and Informational Kiosk at the Minnesota Historical Society’s Forestry History Center
Project Overview
The MN SIC received $5,000 to fund a partnership with the MN Historical Society to develop an educational kiosk that will target 4,000 students visiting the Forest History Center each year. The kiosk will consist of a 5-minute video about the SFI® program and display of SFI labeled products.
Supporting the SFI Standard
The project will support SFI 2010-2014 Standard Objective 17: Community Involvement in the Practice of Sustainable Forestry, including Performance Measure 17.2 requiring that program participants support and promote public outreach, education and involvement related to sustainable forestry management.
Project Partners
In addition to the Minnesota SFI Implementation Committee, partners include the Minnesota Historical Society, Forest History Center.
About Minnesota SIC
The SFI program responds to local needs and issues across North America through 35 SFI Implementation Committees at the state, provincial or regional level. This unique grassroots network involves private landowners, independent loggers, forestry professionals, local governments agencies, academics, scientists, and conservationists. The Minnesota SFI Implementation Committee includes representatives from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, forest companies, the University of Minnesota, family forest owners, the Minnesota Logger Education Program, Minnesota Timber Producers Association, the Ruffed Grouse Society and SFI-certified county land departments.
COPY LINK: https://forests.org/grantminnesotasic/