The SFI Conservation Impact Project advances understanding of the issues related to climate change, biodiversity, and water on lands influenced by the SFI Forest Management Standard and the SFI Fiber Sourcing Standard. Identifying positive conservation outcomes, key learnings, and opportunities for improvement on these SFI-certified lands is a critical component of the SFI standards. The SFI Conservation Impact Project also plays a key role in helping conservationists understand the values associated with sustainable forest management.
Formally announced at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in September of 2016, the SFI Conservation Impact Project actually consists of numerous smaller projects, generated by partnerships within the academics, conservationists, researchers, and SFI-certified organizations.
Learn more about SFI’s conservation impact with a report outlining a decade of core conservation results founded on over 25 years of sustainable forest management leadership and through our Conservation Impact Project ArcGIS StoryMap:
Key non-profit partners, the academic community, SFI-certified organizations, the SFI External Review Panel, and select brand owners helped define the three focus areas that would resonate best with the broadest range of constituents: carbon, biodiversity, and water.
The Conservation Impact Workshop, previously the Conservation Impact Sounding Board Workshop, helps ensure that the research SFI supports and the outcomes it generates are robust, grounded in credible science, and resonate with key audiences.
The Conservation Impact Workshop shapes the work of the Conservation Impact Project and promotes interaction between project leaders and experts from a variety of backgrounds.
The Conservation Impact Workshop is intended to support an open process and it includes experts from the academic, NGO, and research communities. Involvement in the Conservation Impact Project is flexible and carries no long-term participation requirements.
Conservation Impact Workshop
We take an inclusive approach towards experts that can add knowledge and critical thinking. Past participants in Sounding Board meetings have included representatives from NatureServe, American Bird Conservancy, American Forests, Conservation Management Institute at Virginia Tech, Foothills Research Institute, GreenBlue, Manomet, National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, University of Alberta, University of Georgia, The Conservation Fund, U.S. Forest Service, Ducks Unlimited Canada, Nature Conservancy Canada, University of Toronto, Stephen F. Austin University, The Sustainability Consortium, and many others.
How to Join Conservation Impact Workshop
To learn more about the Conservation Impact Workshop, previously the Conservation Impact Sounding Board Workshop, please see Conservation Impact Workshop documents below. Email SFIConservation@forests.org, to express interest in being added to the Conservation Impact Workshop distribution list.
Conservation Impact Workshop Documents
In 2017, SFI launched the Conservation Impact Webinar Series to facilitate engagement and share project results. These quarterly webinars focus on one or more projects within one of the three topic areas. Webinars are recorded and are available below.
Conservation Impact Sounding Board Webinar: SFI & NCASI Water and Carbon Tool Presentations by: SFI Inc. and NCASI.
Click here for recording.
Conservation Impact Sounding Board E-Workshop: The Protection of Water Quality and Quantity, and the Value of Sustainable Forest Management Presentations by: SFI Inc., Virginia Tech, RenewWest, and National Council For Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI).
Click here for recording.
SFI Conservation Impact Sounding Board E-Workshop: Carbon, Climate Change, and the Value of Sustainable Forest Management. Presentations by: SFI Inc., University of Maine, Manomet, and Silviaterra.
Click here for recording.
Managed Forests for Birds: early results on the conservation value of sustainably managed forests, presented by American Bird Conservancy (ABC).
Click here for recording.
Measuring the Conservation Value of Forests Certified to SFI – Expanding into a Bi-national Pilot Project, presented by NatureServe.
Click here for recording.
Linking SFI Certification and Climate Smart Forestry, presented by Michigan State University’s Forest Carbon and Climate Program.
Click here for recording.
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