An Urban Forest Inflection Point

Paul Johnson had a good job and was happy with his work as the Texas A&M Forest Service's urban and community forestry program leader. But in 2021, when he heard about a position with Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) as Senior Director of Urban and Community Forestry, he was intrigued. After an interview and talking to his colleagues about SFI, Johnson decided that the opportunity to participate in developing SFI's Urban and Community Forest Sustainability Standard (UCFSS) (SFI 2023a) was too good to pass up.

December 1st, 2023|

Speaking for the Trees

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.”

March 7th, 2012|

SFI Launches Year 3 of its Conservation Grants

We just launched our 2012 RFP for the SFI Conservation and Community Partnerships Grant Program, which supports research and outreach to advance responsible forestry.

February 1st, 2012|

Getting a Chance to Make a Difference

When I joined SFI Inc. last month, I knew I would have a chance to work with many partners who share my interest in sustainable forest management and third-party forest certification.

December 19th, 2011|

“Could SFI Products Finally Achieve LEED Credits?”

I sometimes think the debate about LEED’s unfair treatment of certified wood is so wrapped up in politics it misses the most important point – wood from responsible sources is a great choice for green building.

October 26th, 2011|

Celebrating the Bigger Picture

There’s a lot to like about SFI annual conferences. They bring together the SFI community so we can share ideas and explore future opportunities with experts

September 28th, 2011|

Ending the Battle

I was impressed with a recent article by Robert Cassidy, Editor-in-Chief of Building Design & Construction called End the Battle of FSC vs. SFI Wood in LEED.

August 19th, 2011|


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