Connecting Communities to Urban Forests with Historic Investment

The Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) is celebrating being named a recipient of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service’s historic $1 billion investment in urban forests. This transformative funding aims to plant and maintain trees, combat extreme heat, and address climate change while improving access to nature in urban and suburban areas across the United States.

December 18th, 2023|

SFI + FSC = Healthier Forests

As I’ve said before, making the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Rating System more inclusive would be of value for green building and the North American economy.

April 6th, 2010|

The Real Green

Last week SFI was highlighted on a CTV broadcast as a label consumers can trust.

March 23rd, 2010|

We Still Need Your Support

Let me say how grateful I am to the SFI, ATFS, CSA and PEFC supporters who have stood behind us in our efforts urging the USGBC to open its LEED Rating System.

March 22nd, 2010|

New Faces Join SFI Board

I’m excited to report that Oregon State Forester Marvin Brown has been elected SFI Chair.

March 19th, 2010|


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