SFI Joins World Forum on Urban Forests to Commemorate an Incredible Year for Urban and Community Forestry
Participating in the 2nd World Forum on Urban Forests (WFUF) alongside Kathy Abusow, President and CEO of SFI, made me feel like we were letting the whole world know that SFI is active in urban and community forestry. The forum, held in late October in Washington DC, had the theme “Greener, Healthier and Happier Cities for All.”
TerraChoice, Boy Scout Magazine Recognize SFI
We were excited to receive support from two different groups in April— TerraChoice Environmental Marketing and the Boy Scouts of America.
SFI attends NRC’s 11th Annual Recycling Works Ceremony
Recently, members of the SFI team had the privilege to attend the national Recycling Coalition’s 11th Annual "Recycling Works" Award Ceremony.
Paper and Paper Products Companies Represented at Brainstorm Green
It was no surprise to find members of the paper and paper products industries at Fortune’s Brainstorm Green conference.
More from Brainstorm Green
It’s been incredible here at Fortune’s Brainstorm Green conference – and educational.
SFI participated in Fortune magazine’s Brainstorm Green
SFI participated in Fortune magazine’s Brainstorm Green conference this week in California. I spoke on a panel about traceability and supply chains.
Brainstorm Green – Green Buildings
Yesterday's panel was on Green Buildings. It included Michael Deane, Clay Nesler, Frank O’Brien, Guy Geier and Bill Valentine.
Wall Street Journal Story on Eco-Label Skepticism
On April 2, the Wall Street Journal ran an article headlined, “What do Labels Really Tell You? As Eco-Seals Proliferate, So Do Doubts.”
SFI Widget Launched!
When we started this blog in October of last year, our hope was to develop a platform to hold discussions on important topics.
A Second Chance to Participate in the SFI Standard Development Process
I want as many people as possible to participate in the process that will lead to the SFI 2010-2014 Standard.
Of Hope and Fear
Last week I was at the 4th Annual Environmental Printing Awards in Toronto, Canada - hosted by the well-respected magazine Print Action.
I recently had the opportunity to work with well-known research and consulting firm Info Trends on a webinar about sustainability and it is now available on their web site.
Despite tough times, forest sector remains committed to sustainable forest management
I’ve been involved in the forest sector for 20 years and I can honestly say I don’t remember a time when the sector faced as many challenges as it does today.
The Other 90%
You’ve probably heard me talk lots about the fact that only 10% of the world’s forests are certified. Today I want to talk about the other 90% -- that’s not certified.
A Monopolist in the Trees?
I never associated “monopoly” with sustainable forestry standards. At least not until today when I read Craig Webb’s story in ProSales, “FSC Hikes a Fee, Goes After Competitors.”
SFI in the News
Two major packaging magazines just featured SFI. Food and Beverage Packaging ran a story on our new labels, which were launched earlier this year.