Middle Schoolers Flock Together To Build A Better Future For Birds
A chance to learn scientific and technical skills while helping conserve birds was all the motivation middle-school students needed to participate in a Cornell University afterschool program this summer.
SFI Launches Conservation Impact Project To Deliver Metrics For Well-Managed Forests
SFI will announce today the launch of its largescale effort to quantify the conservation benefits associated with well-managed forests stretching across North America from British Columbia to Florida.
SFI Opens RFP Inviting New Partnerships For Conservation And Community Impact Throughout North America
SFI is pleased to announce its annual request for proposals (RFP) for the SFI Conservation and Community Partnerships Grant Program.
New National Field Guide Helps Wetlands and Forest Roads Coexist Using a Modern Spin on Old Methods
Corduroy is back in fashion with foresters and conservationists who want new ways to conserve wetlands crossed by resource roads.
SFI and Habitat for Humanity Help Young Indigenous Family in Winnipeg Become Homeowners
SFI’s partnership with Habitat for Humanity Canada and its Indigenous Housing Program is tackling housing challenges facing Indigenous people across Canada one home at a time.
Government Leaders Recognize the Value of SFI Program for Sustainable Forest Management and Responsible Procurement
Elected leaders and federal administrators issued statements Monday that both point to the important role of the SFI Program in advancing sustainable forestry and providing pathways for responsible procurement.
SFI Progress Report Shows 500 Partner Organizations Coming Together for Future Forests
Released today, the 2016 SFI Progress Report – Linking Future Forests to Communities – tells the story of how responsible forestry is helping improve our shared quality of life.
EPA: No Further Regulation of Forest Roads Necessary
EPA today issued its decision that no additional regulations are needed to address stormwater discharges from forest roads under the Clean Water Act (CWA).
Updated Forestry Guide Promotes Responsible Forest Management of 134,000 Private Woodlots in Quebec
The FPFQ has released the fourth edition of the “Sound Forestry Practices for Private Woodlots Field Guide,” which is used by small woodlot owners and forest contractors.
IUCN Approves SFI for Membership, Advancing Sustainable Forestry and Conservation Science
SFI has been granted membership in the IUCN, an organization devoted to helping the world find pragmatic solutions to our most pressing environmental and development challenges.
USGBC Announces New Pathway To Encourage Environmentally Responsible Forest Management In LEED
The range of legal and responsible forest products available for a LEED credit has grown in a positive direction.
Community Cornerstone Quilakwa Center Wins SFI Award
Using wood in innovative and beautiful ways to bring new life to a BC community hub has earned KH Designs an award from the SFI.
SFI Receives Land Stewardship Award From National Wild Turkey Federation
NWTF presented the SFI with its Land Stewardship Award during the 40th annual NWTF National Convention and Sport Show in Nashville, Tennessee on Saturday.
SFI Partnering For Conservation And Community Impact Throughout North America
Grants were announced today for 19 projects to help further understanding of the conservation benefits of managed forests, and to strengthen the connection between communities and forests.
PEFC Week Brings International Partners Together to Address Sustainable Forestry
Promoting sustainable forest management and having it recognized and rewarded in the supply chain from the local to the global level is a key priority shared by the many delegates who attended the 2015 PEFC Forest Certification Week last week in Montreux, Switzerland.
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) advances sustainability through forest-focused collaborations. We are an independent, nonprofit organization that leverages four interconnected pillars of work: standards, conservation, community, and education. SFI works with the forest sector, conservation groups, academics, researchers, brand owners, resource professionals, landowners, educators, local communities, Indigenous Peoples, and governments. Collaborating with our network, we leverage SFI-certified forests and products as powerful tools to help solve sustainability challenges such as climate action, conservation of biodiversity, education of future generations, and sustainable economic development.
Christine Leduc
VP, Communications and Government Relations
Sustainable Forestry Initiative