SFI Announces Retirement of Chief Conservation Officer Paul Trianosky
SFI announced today that Chief Conservation Officer Paul Trianosky will retire on July 1.
SFI Announces Forest-Focused Conservation Grants to Address Climate Change, Species Loss, and Water Quality
SFI announced seven conservation grants today that will build on conservation research and increase knowledge about the conservation benefits associated with forests influenced by the Forest Management Standard and the Fiber Sourcing Standard.
SFI 2022 Standards Officially Launched
SFI certification is a powerful tool to provide customers and producers of forest products with the tools and guidance they need to make responsible supply chain decisions and achieve responsible forest management goals.
SFI Names Bettina Ring New Chief Sustainability and Diversity Officer
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) announced Bettina Ring as its new Chief Sustainability and Diversity Officer today.
NICE-PAK, American Forests, and Project Learning Tree Join Forces in Reforestation and Youth Education Efforts
Nice-Pak announced today it is joining forces with two leading non-profit organizations to further its commitment to environmental sustainability, education and improved health impacts.
SFI and NCASI Partner to Address the Climate Challenge With Carbon and Water Tools
SFI and the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, Inc. (NCASI) announced the launch of the SFI-NCASI Carbon and Water Tools today.
SFI and MANRRS Partner to Foster Diversity in the Forest and Conservation Sector
The SFI and MANRRS announced a MOU to formalize a new partnership aimed at ensuring young Black Americans have greater opportunities for rewarding careers in the forest and conservation sector.
SFI Forest Certification Standards Advance Key Global Sustainability and Conservation Priorities
The SFI, participating in the IUCN World Conservation Congress today, shared the news of its new forest certification standard revisions, which advance solutions to some of the world’s most pressing sustainability challenges.
SFI Community Grants Support Collaboration on Education, Climate, Indigenous Relations, Urban Forestry, and Biodiversity
The SFI announced 13 SFI Community Grants today featuring collaboration between 63 partner organizations.
Chief Christiansen Recognized With The SFI President’s Award For Leadership
The SFI announced today that USDA Forest Service Chief Vicki Christiansen is the winner of the 2021 SFI President’s Award.
The Nature Conservancy Of Canada And West Fraser Win SFI Conservation Leadership Award
The SFI presented the 2021 Leadership in Conservation Award to the NCC and SFI-certified company West Fraser, today.
Minnesota SFI Implementation Committee Wins Award For Engaging Youth On Indigenous Cultural Awareness And Conservation
The SFI is pleased to announce the Minnesota SFI Implementation Committee as the 2021 winner of the SFI Implementation Committee Achievement Award.
SFI Board Welcomes New Chair And Three Forest And Conservation Leaders To Help Address Global Sustainability Challenges
The SFI is pleased to announce Karla Guyn, CEO of Ducks Unlimited Canada, as the new Chair of the SFI Board of Directors, and the election of three new board members.
SFI Announces New Standards Focused On Solving Some Of The World’s Biggest Sustainability Challenges
The SFI has developed new standards to support SFI’s leadership in offering solutions to some of the world’s most pressing sustainability challenges.
Government of Canada’s Youth Employment and Skills Strategy employs youth in the conservation of nature and forests
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadians have rediscovered the many benefits connecting with nature has for our health and well-being.
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) advances sustainability through forest-focused collaborations. We are an independent, nonprofit organization that leverages four interconnected pillars of work: standards, conservation, community, and education. SFI works with the forest sector, conservation groups, academics, researchers, brand owners, resource professionals, landowners, educators, local communities, Indigenous Peoples, and governments. Collaborating with our network, we leverage SFI-certified forests and products as powerful tools to help solve sustainability challenges such as climate action, conservation of biodiversity, education of future generations, and sustainable economic development.
Christine Leduc
VP, Communications and Government Relations
Sustainable Forestry Initiative