Last week SFI was highlighted on a CTV broadcast as a label consumers can trust. In a market full of products toting themselves as “green” or “eco-friendly,” it’s difficult to know where to turn, but the Consumers’ Association of Canada is trying to help remedy the issue. The feature advises consumers to do research and frequent retailers you can trust to help you distinguish between environmentally sound products and those which are “greenwashing.” CTV reporters point to research from Terrachoice Environmental Marketing – We’ve blogged about their research in the past.
At SFI, we pride ourselves on our comprehensive, science-based requirements that integrate the continuous growing of trees with the protection of wildlife, plants, soil and water quality. Additionally, our program is overseen by an independent Board of Directors, providing even more credibility. The SFI label tells customers they are buying products from responsibly managed forests.
A number of forestry experts (including the National Association of State Foresters), conservation groups (including The Conservation Fund) and government officials from Canada and the United States support the SFI standard as a credible forestry certification standard in North America.
We are proud of what our label stands for, proud of our growing SFI community, and continue to work hard on promoting responsible forest management in North America and around the world. We applaud the Consumers’ Association’s to raise awareness on the issue of greenwashing and support clear guidelines for consumers to determine which products actually are environmentally friendly!