Let me start out by saying how grateful I am to all of the SFI, ATFS, CSA and PEFC supporters who have stood behind us in our efforts urging the U.S. Green Building Council to open its LEED Rating System to all credible third-party forest certification systems. We asked you to add your name to a petition, and in less than 24 hours, more than 1,000 people who believe in our cause expressed comments of general encouragement toward this mission. I thank you for this, but we’re not done yet. We’re now at more than 2,450 signatures and hope to see that number keep rising.
We encourage you to add your name to the petition if you haven’t done so already. Email this message to employees, friends, family, colleagues and anyone you feel supports responsible forestry, our communities and the future of green building. The momentum of the USGBC petition is strong—and we hope to keep the numbers climbing!
I want to share just a few of the great comments posted with signatures on the petition:
Trees are the only truly renewable resource. It is tragic to think that mined and energy intensive products such as steel, sheet rock and concrete are considered more environmentally friendly than wood. Let ALL recognized and independently verified certification programs into the LEED standard!
–Kurt Zweizig
There is no doubt that SFI has established credible standards supporting best management practices in forestry along with verifiable data. It is time for science and verifiable data to drive the certification. Good forestry follows good markets as data will show. We will plant, grow, harvest, and replant as the market grows. This will enhance clean air, clean water, wildlife and all the supports of our quality of life. As 2009 National Tree Farmer of the Year and 2010 Governor’s Agricultural Stewardship Award winners, Earl and I know firsthand how important sustainability, stewardship and conservation are to our industry, state and nation.
–Wanda T. Barrs
I respect the LEED standard, but LEED seems not to have respect for SFI, ATFS or PEFC. We all want the same thing…and it is a great shame that LEED wants to lock out these wonderful groups with the highest of standards that include so many good stewards of the land. WAKE UP, LEED!
–Chuck Leavell
Your signatures and comments make us proud to be involved with SFI and reinforce what we stand for. We value your continued support.