Open Letter from SFI CEO Kathy Abusow to USGBC Board, Steering Committee and MR TAG Members
Today SFI President & CEO Kathy Abusow sent the following letter to the U.S. Green Building Council Board of Directors:
SFI “Eggcited” About Packaging for White House Easter Eggs
For the fourth year in a row, the National Park Foundation has decided to package the official White House Easter Egg in a gift box made from paperboard certified by SFI.
SFI Blog – The Future Is Now: USGBC’s Decisions Can Sustain Our Forests
It’s been close to a month since Draft 3 of the new LEED 2012 language was released, and my initial reaction has not changed.
SFI Blog: Why SFI is Better – Community Outreach
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is asking for comments on the draft language for its LEED rating system.
SFI Blog: Why USGBC Should Recognize SFI – Beyond Green Construction; Why Papermakers Should Pay Attention
SFI Inc. has invited views on the treatment of third-party forest certification, which must be “FSC or better” according to the latest USGBC credit language.
SFI Blog: Why USGBC Should Recognize SFI – Support Forest Professionals and Responsible Forest Practices
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is asking for comments on the draft language for its LEED rating system.
SFI Blog: Why USGBC Should Recognize SFI – Rigorous Independent Audits and Continuous Improvement
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) is asking for comments on the draft language for its LEED rating system.
SFI Blog: Why SFI is Better for Woodworkers
The IAMAW (International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers) represents more forestry and wood workers then any other union in the United States.
Head of Resource Management Service Elected to SFI Board
Craig Blair, President and CEO of Resource Management Service LLC (RMS) has been elected to the independent SFI Board of Directors.
SFI Blog: Why USGBC Should Recognize SFI – No Certification Program Can Credibly Claim to be ‘Best’
State Foresters have long been advocates of policies encouraging the use of domestic wood products for green building.
Chief David Walkem Elected to SFI Board
David Walkem, Chief of Cooks Ferry Band and President of Stuwix Resources Joint Venture, has been elected to the independent SFI Board of Directors.
LEED’s Artificial Barriers Continue to Fail Responsible Forestry
The USGBC continues to put up artificial barriers in its latest draft of its LEED rating tool.
SFI Announces Request For Proposals For Conservation Partnerships
The independent SFI forest certification program is inviting applications for its highly successful Conservation and Community Partnerships Grants program.
Forest Certification Pilot Achieves Success in Maine 1.4 Million Acres/570,000 Hectares Certified to SFI Standard
A pilot project involving Time Inc., Hearst Enterprises, National Geographic Society, Verso Paper Corp. and Sappi Fine Paper North America has led to 790,000 acres/320,000 hectares of additional forest lands being certified to the SFI Standard.
Maine Executive Order Puts Forest Certification on Equal Footing
Maine Governor Paul LePage signed an executive order today.
The Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) advances sustainability through forest-focused collaborations. We are an independent, nonprofit organization that leverages four interconnected pillars of work: standards, conservation, community, and education. SFI works with the forest sector, conservation groups, academics, researchers, brand owners, resource professionals, landowners, educators, local communities, Indigenous Peoples, and governments. Collaborating with our network, we leverage SFI-certified forests and products as powerful tools to help solve sustainability challenges such as climate action, conservation of biodiversity, education of future generations, and sustainable economic development.
Christine Leduc
VP, Communications and Government Relations
Sustainable Forestry Initiative