Canadian Rockies Youth Network
Connecting Youth in the Canadian Rockies to Discuss and Act on Environmental Issues
Why this Project Matters
The Canadian Rockies and foothills face many pressing environmental challenges and land management issues and opportunities including species loss, climate change resiliency, as well as Indigenous collaboration, rights, and relationship building. Helping youth to have a voice at the table for land management and conservation issues in their communities and mountain spaces will help engage and train tomorrow’s environmental leaders.
How This Project Will Help Engage Youth in Building a Brighter Future for the Canadian Rockies and Foothills
The Canadian Rockies Youth Network (CRYN) was founded in 2019 by high school students who sought to engage youth voices in parks management and environmental policy. An annual four-day Canadian Rockies Youth Summit for Alberta and British Columbia youth will feature land-based workshops for youth to form connections to the land and explore nature. Longer-term goals include implementing environmental action projects and supporting youth leaders to pursue green careers. Starting in 2022, the Howl Experience has taken a supporting role in CRYN. Howl helps to connect youth to the landscapes that they seek to protect, bringing knowledge and attention to pressing environmental challenges.
Workshop themes include conservation, Indigenous teachings and traditions, climate change, and how to get engaged in environmental action. The Canadian Rockies Youth Summit will connect students in grades 9-12 with educational resources from SFI’s educational initiative Project Learning Tree Canada (PLT Canada), tools, and expertise to develop their knowledge and skills in related areas and expose them to potential green careers.
SFI’s Contribution
This SFI Community Grant Program-supported project draws on workshop materials and other resources from PLT Canada and the expertise and connections of the Western Canada SFI Implementation Committee.
This partnership includes Howl Experience staff, forestry professionals, and SFI and PLT Canada staff.
- Project lead: The Howl Experience
- Sustainable Forestry Initiative
- Project Learning Tree Canada
- Western Canada SFI Implementation Committee
- Calgary Foundation
- Rotary Club of Canmore
- Banff Canmore Community Foundation
- University of Calgary
- Alberta Parks
Related Information
New PLT Curriculum Introduces Youth to Green Careers
PLT Canada’s A Guide to Green Jobs in Canada: Voices of Indigenous Professionals Guide
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About the Howl Experience
The Howl Experience offers programming that creates holistic relationships between youth, communities, and ecosystems in a way that allows everyone to thrive now and into the future. Howl Experience programs are designed to inspire young people ages 17-30, led by a team of outstanding educators and local Indigenous Knowledge Keepers. Learn more.