Check back often as more speakers are confirmed!

Kathy Abusow

President and CEO
Sustainable Forestry Initiative

Rebecca Barnard

Rebecca Barnard

Forest Certification Manager

Brian Brashaw

Assistant Director
Wood Innovations, USDA Forest Service

Sam Cook

Executive Director of Forest Assets, North Carolina State University, and
SFI Board Member

Chris Davidson

VP Sustainability
Smurfit Westrock

Kathryn Fernholz

President and CEO
Dovetail Partners

Lennard Joe

Chief Executive Officer, BC First Nations Forestry Council, and
SFI Board Member

Pat Layton

Wood Utilization + Design Institute, Clemson University
and SFI Board of Director

Derek Nighbor

President and CEO
Forest Products Association of Canada

Larry Selzer

President and CEO
The Conservation Fund

Sacha Spector

Program Director for the Environment
Doris Duke Foundation

Patty Thielen

State Forester and Director, Division of Forestry,
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources

SFI Staff Moderators

Josh Brankman

VP Education
Sustainable Forestry Initiative

Lauren Cooper

Chief Conservation Officer
Sustainable Forestry Initiative

Dr. Healy Hamilton

Chief Scientist
Sustainable Forestry Initiative

Paul Johnson

Vice President, Urban and Community Forestry and Career Pathways
Sustainable Forestry Initiative

Christine Leduc

VP, Communications and Government Relations
Sustainable Forestry Initiative

Jason Metnick

Senior VP, Customer Affairs
Sustainable Forestry Initiative